"The concept was simple: A soundtrack for parties gone awry.
Music to fuel awkward sexual dalliances, desperate yelled misunderstandings on the dance floor, toilets over-flowing with the night's collective regurgitation, lonesome midnight ramblings, hair-brained (possibly illegal) parlour games, stereo components fried by heat and moisture, backyard furniture bonfires, power outages, mass hallucination, etc." This is pretty much perfect. I love this band.
Slightly Similar to These Crazies or Vice-Versa: Shocking Pinks, Muscles, Holy Hail, The Whip, Riot in Belgium
Free Blood - Royal Family EP (2008)
Free Blood - Never Hear Surf Music Again.mp3
Free Blood - Quick And Painful (Hot Chip Remix).mp3
Free Blood - Never Hear Surf Music Again.mp3
Free Blood - Quick And Painful (Hot Chip Remix).mp3